Mainstream News Articles Co-Shared with Fake News Buttress Misinformation Narratives

Pranav Goel, Jon Green, David Lazer, Philip Resnik


Most prior and current research examining misinformation spread on social media focuses on reports published by 'fake' news sources. These approaches fail to capture another potential form of misinformation with a much larger audience: factual news from mainstream sources ('real' news) repurposed to promote false or misleading narratives. We operationalize narratives using an existing unsupervised NLP technique and examine the narratives present in misinformation content. We find that certain articles from reliable outlets are shared by a disproportionate number of users who also shared fake news on Twitter. We consider these 'real' news articles to be co-shared with fake news. We show that co-shared articles contain existing misinformation narratives at a significantly higher rate than articles from the same reliable outlets that are not co-shared with fake news. This holds true even when articles are chosen following strict criteria of reliability for the outlets and after accounting for the alternative explanation of partisan curation of articles. For example, we observe that a recent article published by The Washington Post titled "Vaccinated people now make up a majority of COVID deaths" was disproportionately shared by Twitter users with a history of sharing anti-vaccine false news reports. Our findings suggest a strategic repurposing of mainstream news by conveyors of misinformation as a way to enhance the reach and persuasiveness of misleading narratives. We also conduct a comprehensive case study to help highlight how such repurposing can happen on Twitter as a consequence of the inclusion of particular narratives in the framing of mainstream news.

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