Leveraging Serosurveillance and Postmortem Surveillance to Quantify the Impact of Coronavirus Disease 2019 in Africa

Nicole E Kogan, Shae Gantt, David Swerdlow, Cécile Viboud, Muhammed Semakula, Marc Lipsitch, Mauricio Santillana
Clinical Infectious Diseases
Volume 76, Issue 3, 1 February 2023, Pages 424–432
October 5, 2022


The coronavirus disease 2019 (COVID-19) pandemic has had a devastating impact on global health, the magnitude of which appears to differ intercontinentally: For example, reports suggest that 271 900 per million people have been infected in Europe versus 8800 per million people in Africa. While Africa is the second-largest continent by population, its reported COVID-19 cases comprise <3% of global cases. Although social and environmental explanations have been proposed to clarify this discrepancy, systematic underascertainment of infections may be equally responsible.

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