Evidence of equilibrium dynamics in human social networks evolving in time

Miguel A. González-Casado, Andreia Sofia Teixeira, Angel Sánchez


The dynamics of personal relationships remain largely unexplored due to the inherent difficulties of the longitudinal data collection process. In this paper, we analyse a dataset tracking the temporal evolution of a network of personal relationships among 900 people over the course of four years. We search for evidence that the network is in equilibrium, meaning that all macroscopic properties remain constant, fluctuating around stable values, while the internal microscopic dynamics are active. We find that the probabilities governing the network dynamics are stationary over time and that the degree distributions, as well as edge and triangle abundances match the theoretical equilibrium distributions expected under these dynamics. Furthermore, we verify that the system satisfies the detailed balance condition, with only minor point deviations, confirming that it is indeed in equilibrium. Remarkably, this equilibrium persists despite a high turnover in network composition, suggesting that it is an inherent characteristic of human social interactions rather than a trait of the individuals themselves. We argue that this equilibrium may be a general feature of human social networks arising from the competition between different dynamical mechanisms and also from the cognitive and material resources management of individuals. From a practical perspective, the fact that networks are in equilibrium could simplify data collection processes, validate the use of cross-sectional data-based methods like Exponential Random Graph Models, and inform the design of interventions. Our findings advance the understanding of collective human behaviour predictability and our ability to describe it using simple mathematical models.

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