Comparative cost-effectiveness of SARS-CoV-2 testing strategies in the USA: a modelling study

Zhanwei Du, Abhishek Pandey, Yuan Bai, Meagan C Fitzpatrick, Matteo Chinazzi, Ana Pastore y Piontti, Michael Lachmann, Alessandro Vespignani, Benjamin J Cowling, Alison P Galvani, Lauren Ancel Meyers
The Lancet
February 4, 2021


To mitigate the COVID-19 pandemic, countries worldwide have enacted unprecedented movement restrictions, physical distancing measures, and face mask requirements. Until safe and efficacious vaccines or antiviral drugs become widely available, viral testing remains the primary mitigation measure for rapid identification and isolation of infected individuals. We aimed to assess the economic trade-offs of expanding and accelerating testing for severe acute respiratory syndrome coronavirus 2 (SARS-CoV-2) across the USA in different transmission scenarios.

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