Pranav Goel

Postdoctoral Researcher, Lazer Lab
lab website

Dr. Pranav Goel (he/him) is a Postdoctoral Research Associate at the Lazer Lab at Northeastern University’s Network Science Institute. He completed his PhD in Computer Science at the University of Maryland. His research interests broadly span computational social science and natural language processing, viewing language as a social phenomenon and text data as a potent digital trace of societal dynamics. He is particularly interested in the sociopolitical phenomenon of framing (including agenda-setting) in news and social media, both as a reflection of often unquestioned and harmful defaults in society and as a force for progressive change and meaningful disruption of the status quo. His work has been published in major computer science conferences such as NeurIPS, EMNLP, and ICWSM. Potential future endeavors that excite him are investigating the state of digital journalism and media framing of grassroots movements, and exploring how and when recent language technologies might maintain and extend harmful socioeconomic systems.

Office location

office location

177 Huntington Ave
New College of the Humanities
Devon House
58 St Katharine’s Way
London, E1W 1LP, UK
Roux Institute
100 Fore St
Portland, ME 04101
Network Science Institute
177 Huntington Ave
Boston, MA 02115
*Primarily remote
Portland, ME
Boston, MA 02115


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