Reconstructing higher-order interactions in coupled dynamical systems

Federico Malizia, Alessandra Corso, Lucia Valentina Gambuzza, Giovanni Russo, Vito Latora & Mattia Frasca
Nature Communications
15, Article number: 5184 (2024)
June 18, 2024


Higher-order interactions play a key role for the operation and function of a complex system. However, how to identify them is still an open problem. Here, we propose a method to fully reconstruct the structural connectivity of a system of coupled dynamical units, identifying both pairwise and higher-order interactions from the system time evolution. Our method works for any dynamics, and allows the reconstruction of both hypergraphs and simplicial complexes, either undirected or directed, unweighted or weighted. With two concrete applications, we show how the method can help understanding the complexity of bacterial systems, or the microscopic mechanisms of interaction underlying coupled chaotic oscillators.

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