Fundamental Network Science

Network comparison and the within-ensemble graph distance
The Royal Society Publishing
November 4, 2020
Harrison Hartle, Brennan Klein, Stefan McCabe, Alexander Daniels, Guillaume St-Onge, Charles Murphy and Laurent Hébert-Dufresne
Kenneth Joseph, Ryan J. Gallagher, Brooke Foucault Welles
Stefan McCabe, Leo Torres, Timothy LaRock, Syed Arefinul Haque, Chia-Hung Yang, Harrison Hartle, Brennan Klein
Weighted hypersoft configuration model
Phys. Rev. Research
October 29, 2020
Ivan Voitalov, Pim van der Hoorn, Maksim Kitsak, Fragkiskos Papadopoulos, and Dmitri Krioukov
Link prediction with hyperbolic geometry
Phys. Rev. Research
October 21, 2020
Maksim Kitsak, Ivan Voitalov, and Dmitri Krioukov
Isotopy and energy of physical networks
Nature Physics
October 19, 2020
Yanchen Liu, Nima Dehmamy, and Albert-László Barabási
Exploring food contents in scientific literature with FoodMine
Scientific Reports volume
October 1, 2020
Forrest Hooton, Giulia Menichetti, Albert-László Barabási
Timothy LaRock, Timothy Sakharov, Sahely Bhadra, Tina Eliassi-Rad
David M. J. Lazer, Alex Pentland, Duncan J. Watts, Sinan Aral, Susan Athey, Noshir Contractor, Deen Freelon, Sandra Gonzalez-Bailon, Gary King, Helen Margetts, Alondra Nelson, Matthew J. Salganik, Markus Strohmaier, Alessandro Vespignani, Claudia Wagner
What science can do for democracy: a complexity science approach
Humanities and Social Sciences Communications
July 10, 2020
Tina Eliassi-Rad, Henry Farrell, David Garcia, Stephan Lewandowsky, Patricia Palacios, Don Ross, Didier Sornette, Karim Thébault, Karoline Wiesner
Classical information theory of networks
Journal of Physics: Complexity
July 3, 2020
Filippo Radicchi, Dmitri Krioukov, Harrison Hartle, Ginestra Bianconi
Leo Torres, Ann S. Blevins, Danielle S. Bassett, Tina Eliassi-Rad
The Oxford Handbook of Networked Communication
Oxford University Press
February 21, 2020
Edited by Brooke Foucault Welles and Sandra González-Bailón
Nima Dehmamy, Albert-László Barabási, Rose Yu
Albert-László Barabási, Giulia Menichetti and Joseph Loscalzo
Matteo Chinazzi, Bruno Gonçalves, Qian Zhang & Alessandro Vespignani
Scale-free Networks Well Done
Phys. Rev. Research
October 18, 2019
Ivan Voitalov, Pim van der Hoorn, Remco van der Hofstad, and Dmitri Krioukov
Benjamin A. Miller, Mustafa Çamurcu, Alexander J. Gomez, Kevin Chan, Tina Eliassi-Rad
Brooke Foucault Welles, Sarah J. Jackson
Taking census of physics
Nature Reviews Physics
January 8, 2019
Federico Battiston, Federico Musciotto, Dashun Wang, Albert-László Barabási, Michael Szell & Roberta Sinatra