Imogen Slavin

NetSI Research Co-op Student
lab website

Imogen is an undergraduate student at Northeastern University ('27), pursuing a degree in Data Science and Public Health through the Khoury College of Computer Sciences and the Bouvé College of Health Sciences. She is interested in applying machine learning and dynamical systems to public health, with a particular focus on tracking and predicting disease outbreaks, understanding the impacts of climate change on disease spread, and optimizing resource allocation during emergencies. During her co-op, she plans to investigate innovative machine learning solutions to advance public health. Outside of academics, she enjoys playing music, field hockey, and skiing.

Office location

office location

177 Huntington Ave
New College of the Humanities
Devon House
58 St Katharine’s Way
London, E1W 1LP, UK
Roux Institute
100 Fore St
Portland, ME 04101
Network Science Institute
177 Huntington Ave
Boston, MA 02115
*Primarily remote
Portland, ME
Boston, MA 02115


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