Edward Berman

NetSI Research Co-op Student
lab website

Eddie (he/him) has broad research interests in numeric methods, machine learning, cosmology, and network science. In the past, he has worked on Astronomical Imaging Problems using the James Webb Space Telescope and on benchmarking large language models. In his spare time, he likes configuring his dotfiles for his highly customized PopOS! operating system and playing with the Julia programming language.

Office location

office location

177 Huntington Ave
New College of the Humanities
Devon House
58 St Katharine’s Way
London, E1W 1LP, UK
Roux Institute
100 Fore St
Portland, ME 04101
Network Science Institute
177 Huntington Ave
Bay 215
Boston, MA 02115
*Primarily remote
Portland, ME
Boston, MA 02115


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