Cassie McMillan

Assistant Professor, College of Social Sciences and Humanities
lab website

Cassie McMillan is an assistant professor of Sociology and Criminology & Criminal Justice at Northeastern University.  She received her PhD in Sociology and Demography with a minor in Social Data Analytics from Pennsylvania State University. Her research applies a social networks perspective to disentangle how our connections both reproduce and challenge systems of social inequality. Her work is focussed on developing computational methodologies that can better address these issues and applying these methods to study social phenomena such as immigration, health, delinquency, and bullying.

Office location

office location

177 Huntington Ave
New College of the Humanities
Devon House
58 St Katharine’s Way
London, E1W 1LP, UK
Roux Institute
100 Fore St
Portland, ME 04101
Network Science Institute
177 Huntington Ave
Boston, MA 02115
*Primarily remote
Portland, ME
Boston, MA 02115


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